A few pictures taken by Rachel before she had to leave Ghana as a result of having contracted malaria while she was there. This was a very sad event in Rachel's life, but she will more than make up for lost time as she recovers over the next weeks and months. Watch out President Bush! Your attacks on the environment and on our personal freedoms will not go unnoticed by Rachel Ryan! Sheeeee . . ees back!
Belinda (20 and mother of two-year old twins), Elizabeth and Mary (sisters) showing their drawings. Belinda drew her dream-house" -- a single-family home of mud and thatched roof!
Me (Rachel) with Elvis and Kaku. Helping Elvis with social studies homework and letting kaku draw and color pictures.
Me (Rachel) and kaku -- can I adopt him?
Two other Peace Corps trainees outside of "Don't Blame Money Enterprises" The names of shops here are pretty interesting! (Wes and Eva)
An African woman roasting Shea-nut Butter, an income-generating activity that a women's group started.
Children outside of their village primary school.
A Ghanaian man going through the bush to fetch water for his compost (we are in the beginning of the dry season).
Grace and Ruth creating yarn drawings. Grace has the best, most infectuous laugh -- I caught it in the photo but it's too bad you can't
Me (Rachel) and Grace. Ghanians love getting snaps (pictures) taken.
That's all folks!
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