Pictures taken During the Autumn and Winter of 2003 AD/CE.
These begin with a B/W skectch that Jim had done in a movie theater -- of himself and Jeffrey. Rachel also sent some nice pics she took at Thanksgiving time and there are a couple or so from the Washington, DC area when little Benjamin was born. Also, I moved to Ocean Shores and, in general, it was an active time for the family. Sadly, Jeffrey's loving mother, Brooke, passed away of terminal cancer shortly before Christmas and Jim and Jeffrey moved down to Florida at the end of the year.
Jim and Jeffrey go to see Nemo at the theater
Joe and Naomi Szabo with two youngest children (Rebekah was in America when this was taken at their home in Spain)
Cathie and Fadi buy Nadia a pony for Christmas -- this is Cathie standing with "shortie"
Cathie and Fadi buy Nadia a pony for Christmas -- this is "Grandma" Nancy standing with "Shorie" and "Donkey" -- is it my imaginationm, or is Donkey the short one and "Shortie" the tall one?
Cathie and Fadi buy Nadia a pony for Christmas -- this is Cathie walking
Captions below, thanks to email from Rachel
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: Joe and Michael Zachary--his happy nine month old son.
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: Michael reaching for ... something! He is at that age :-)
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: Nicky is at the stage that real smiles are no fun! (3 1/2 years)
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: Joe and Michael at the Tree park in Brandon, FL.
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: Michael is reaching for the camera w/ his happy parents trying to keep in in place.
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: Rachel loves being an auntie--here's little Moey (likes to be called matthew now, too!) w/her at the Tree Park in Brandon, Florida over Thanksgiving.
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: Auntie Rachel up in a tree with Johnny (7 yrs. old) and Nicky (3 1/2 yrs. old). Johnny is just too cool for school.
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: Nicky on his favorite "toy" at the Tree Park--you can't get him off the swings for anything! :-) Fun!
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: John is the only climber so far with Jack and Sherry's littlest ones, and he loves it up high!
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: Rachel with her newest nephew--Jack and Sherry's sweet little Michael Christopher (goes by Mike or Mikey, of course!).
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: The cousins get together for Thanksgiving and the three little ones LOVE to horseplay with the teenagers, Paul and Justin.
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: Kim loves the babies! Here, she is with Michael (Joe and Dawn's Michael).
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: Jack and Sherry with their youngest kids (Ryan and Chris stayed in Fort Myers for T-Day, but they are doing great!)
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: Jack is the proud papa of yet another boy!
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: Auntie Rachel with Michael. (If three acorns were to fall from a great oak on all of Joe, Dawn, Jack and Sherry's kids, one is almost certain to fall on a "Michael")
Rachel takes some nice pictures of the family in November, 2003: Jack and Joe with their Michaels. Jack with Mikey and Joe with Michael -- happy parents!
In Memorium -- Brooke Robinson: Brooke in younger, happier times
In Memorium -- Brooke Robinson: Brooke with Jeffrey. Losing her beautiful hair was only one of so many terribly sad events as her during the past two years. She was always "up" in the conversations I had with her, but in retrospect, I had no idea ...
In Memorium -- Brooke Robinson with Jeffrey on his third birthday in August. She would be gone within a very few months of this happy time with Jeffrey.
Thanksgiving Day in the former Soviet Union: David Sawyer, Lena (his wife) and their daughter, Alexia Katerina, in Kazahkistan (Russia, so to speak). He was one of my colleagues at the American University in Dubai.
Thanksgiving Day in the former Soviet Union: Should you think that it only snows in Ocean Shores ... this is Alexia sliding in joy in Kazahkistan.
And oh yes, before I forget -- I moved to Ocean Shores on 18 December 2003 and this is where life has brought me in my 70th year ... somewhere between Duck lake and the Pacific Ocean
Rebecca and Chris announce the birth of little Benjamin: Ain't he sweet?
Rebecca and Chris announce the birth of little Benjamin: For that matter, aren't all three of them sweet?
Having dinner out in Virginia: Fred Lemus, Flo, Dora Lemus
Having dinner out in Virginia: Flo, Aunt Nancy, Dora Lemus
That's all folks!
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